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In partnership with our community, Port Chalmers School will provide a happy and healthy centre of learning where every child receives equal opportunity and encouragement to develop their potential.
26 Feb 2025
27 Feb 2025
School Picnic
Join us for a family picnic on Wednesday 12th of February, from 5:30 pm at school! Bring your own dinner, picnic rug (or deck chairs) and enjoy catching up with teachers and other whānau. We'll have the school BBQ available if you'd like to cook.
The Play Pod will also be open. Come and play with your tamariki! Could there be a game of backyard cricket?
In case of rain, the picnic will be cancelled. There will be no postponement.
Swimming lessons
Swimming lessons for all classes start tomorrow (Monday 10th February) and continue every school day for the next two weeks (ten lessons). Make sure your tamariki have their togs, a towel, goggles and a hair tie (if they have long hair) ready for their lessons tomorrow.
School Picnic
Join us for a family picnic on Wednesday 12th of February, from 5:30 pm at school! Bring your dinner, and picnic rug (or deck chairs) and enjoy catching up with teachers and other whānau. We'll have the school BBQ available if you'd like to cook.
The Play Pod will also be open. Come and play with your tamariki! Could there be a game of backyard cricket?
In case of rain, the picnic will be cancelled. There will be no postponement.
School will be closed for tamariki this Friday, February 7th, as teachers will be participating in a professional development day focused on the new mathematics curriculum requirements.
School Picnic
Join us for a family picnic on Wednesday 12th of February, from 5:30 pm at school! Bring your own dinner, picnic rug (or deck chairs) and enjoy catching up with teachers and other whānau. We'll have the school BBQ available if you'd like to cook.
The Play Pod will also be open. Come and play with your tamariki! Could there be a game of backyard cricket?
In case of rain, the picnic will be cancelled. There will be no postponement.
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