Port Chalmers School, Te Kura ō Kōpūtai Board of Trustees was elected mid-2022 for its current three-year term. Our board comprises five elected parent members, the principal, and a staff representative. As a team, we are all passionate about using our skills to the best of our ability to assist all children to reach their potential at Port Chalmers School.
The board is responsible for the governance of our school which means we are focused on setting educational goals and strategic direction, monitoring student progress and achievement, deciding how to manage the school’s funding, and supporting staff development. We ensure that we provide the necessary foundation so we can fully support VIcki (in her principal’s role) and all of the staff in their day-to-day running of our school.
As a board, we are proud of our school, and are fortunate to have a team of dedicated and talented teachers who are led by our highly respected principal, VIcki Nicolson. Our staff provide a consistently high quality of education and we appreciate all they do to ensure our children receive enriching and fun learning experiences. All this is not possible without support from our whānau, parents, and caregivers, and we truly value the input we receive from our wider school community and to the many people that volunteer their time. There are so many ways in which people contribute, including helping with activities such as kapa haka, coaching, and managing sports teams, supervising Breakfast Club or fundraising events organised by our PTA.
As a board we want to ensure that Port Chalmers School continues to live up to its well-earned reputation as a friendly and inspiring place to learn. We also endeavour to keep you informed of board activities as they come to hand, so please keep an eye on the school newsletter for regular updates!
Angela Cuming - Presiding Member
Vicki Nicolson - Principal
Ian Landreth - Staff Representative
Caro Timms - Finance
Rachel Collett
Emma Burford
Caro Gilbert
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